I was born in Turin, Italy, on November 28, 1970
Turin, surrounded by the Alpine arch, is a city in northern Italy, capital of the Piedmont region; it is one of the greater and most beautiful cities in Italy. It is the city of House of Savoy, Italy's royal family (see the Royal Palace in the photo above). It was the first capital of Italy in 1861, before Florence and Rome; headquarters of automobile manufacturers FIAT (now FCA) and host of the 2006 Winter Olympics.
In 1997 I graduated with the highest marks in Electronic Engineering from Polytechnic of Turin (Italy). Title of degree thesis: "Make use of symbolic tecnics in the formal verification of correctness of electronic circuit".
After graduation, I had been working for about 2 years, as analyst programmer, for "RSI sistemi" (now belong at "Altran Group"), and after then "Artis Software", "Pride" and now Reply.
I am currently working, as Reply IT-consultant, for "Telecom Italia" (the main telecomunication company in Italy).
More detailed information in my curriculum vitae.My first computer experience dates back to early 80s, with a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. From that time on, my main interest is computer programming. My programming skill include: C, C++, C#, Basic, Fortran, Pascal, Java, Javascript, PHP, Perl and HTML languages. Mainly I develop on Windows platform, both client and server side. In the past I developed for mobile devices (with Symbian operating system and Windows Phone), and soon I hope to develop on Linux (I'm excited of Linux Mint)
Since 1997, I have been working on QuizFaber, a free software for making multimedia quizzes in a simple and straightforward way. At the moment, with the help and the free contibution of many users, QuizFaber is becoming a advanced quiz software, useful for schools, universities and companies.
After computer programming, my favorite hobbies are reading books (both classic and contemporary), studing history, visiting art museums and exhibitions, photography (see my photos on Flickr), cycling and running.
I like mountain bike too, but plain tired me, I prefer street of mountain with a good gradient (1000 meter is ok ?).